Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Egg Genie© As Seen on TV!

So my uncle is moving out of town. For the umpteenth time. But on the bright side.. he gave all of his awesome junk to us. Well, he gave most of it to my two younger sisters. But I can live without the Chicken Run memoribilia and that librarian action figure we gave to him long ago- just as long as no one takes that Egg Genie away. It can make 7 hard boiled eggs in UNDER 10 minutes with varying levels of softness depending on how much water you include. Have you ever heard of something more ingenius? I thought not. It even has a poached egg tray... Now I can have deviled eggs whenever I want OR poached eggs with soup OR a just plain hard boiled egg. I certainly hope that I never get tired of eggs.
This may look like a completely innocent egg cooker/steamer,
but you have to watch out for the metal spike.
It is for puncturing shells and unsuspecting childrens' fingers.
Oh, and did I mention that the hard boiled eggs this contraption makes are ridiculously easy to peel?
So wonderful that it is hard to believe.

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