Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, now that school is starting it means I won't be eating microwave tortellini and peas every day at 3:30 for lunch. Not that my lunches will be much fancier.. I rarely have the mojo or the time in the mornings to even think of something interesting to eat. Which is unfortunate because after the first two periods of the day, the last thing I want is a lame lunch. But there is only so much you can pack in a lunchbox. It used to be that I would make elaborate plans to pre-make and freeze things like stir-fry and pasta with home-ade sauce. But that never actually happened. Maybe I am more in tune with reality now or maybe I am just out of inspiration. Either way, I have no clue what my lunches are going to look like. I'll keep you posted. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. I feel this enormous sense of relief each night as i have a mild panic attack over my lunch, but then I remember i get food at the cafeteria here. I still have impulses to hoard leftovers. Good luck on all the future lunches :)
    Also, I LOVE YOUR FOOD LIST. Its amahzing.

  2. Thank you! If you think of things I have forgetten please let me know 'cause the thing about the list is that you can never remember all of you favorite food at once. :) What kind of delicious food can you get at the cafeteria?

  3. Theres a salad bar, and these amazing bran muffins, and a whole bunch of pastries (most of which tast kinda strange) and good cookies, and a hot lunch line which has asain and american stuff, and soup (they have a vegetarian one!)and...quesadillas, but its nice :)
    sorry, i don't mean to brag.
