Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Thing about Soy Sauce

The thing about soy sauce is, you can put it on anything. But that is a relatively obvious and mundane thing to state. However, since my recent return from Japan (school trip and paid for entirely by a sister city alliance, I wouldn't want you getting the wrong idea) I have found that soy sauce should be put on everything. Or about close to everything. Soy sauce on fried eggs. Yum. It's like salt and pepper only way better and much more flavorful. Soy sauce on baked potatoes. Even better. Baked potatoes really have no taste in the first place, so why not?
We even have a genuine restaurant style soy-sauce dispenser now.
 Soy sauce is even the second ingredient in another one of my favorite sauces, peanut sauce! Soy sauce is also delicious on usual things like rice.
I suppose instead of discussing the merits of soy sauce I should have an introductory paragraph about this blog. So people will read it and all. But you can learn plenty about me and my eating/cooking/writing style by just observing this wonderful post. Examine what I included in it, but also what I did not include. For example: I did not include any measurements whatsoever. This is a hint about my cooking style. I rarely worry about exact measurements because I often invent ingredients to add to a recipe or simply substitute them in lieu of one another. Especially chocolate chips. I always add more chocolate chips than I intended to. However, I do tend to be significantly more careful when baking, and may occasionally follow a recipe to the T.
In any case I hope you all, dearest readers, enjoy my blog. Expect many more posts, and much more photography. Also the 'Whetstone' blog may change appearance from time to time, so don't be shocked if it does. I'm very fickle with my tastes in both food and websites.
Enjoy! (the last step in any recipe you could find on the side of a cereal box)

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